Benha University application contains the following:-1. University news2. University links on social media3. Colleges data (about the college, contact information for the college, college programs, college departments, and the college website)4. University contacts5. Open the users educational email6. The geographical locations of the university administration building, colleges, university hospital and university cities7. Question and answer forms, postgraduate registration and electronic registration for students8. Faculty and support staff locations9. Find a faculty member10. Egyptian Knowledge Bank website1- Latest news It contains a reading of the latest news of Benha University, and you can download more news by pressing the (see more) button. By clicking on the news, the news page will be opened within the application. And you can share the news on any application available on your phone (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Gmail, WhatsApp, ...ect).2- University links on social networking sites You can browse the events of the university and its faculties on social networking sites such as (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube,)3- Faculties A list containing the colleges, and by clicking on the college, a page appears with the college’s data as follows:- *About the College: A brief introduction to the College. *Contact us: -Contains the colleges contact information. * College Programs: It contains a list of college programs. * College Departments: It contains a list of college departments.4- Contact Us Contains contact information for the university.5- Edu Mail Through it you can open your educational email, if any.6- University locationsIt contains university places on Google map like:-1- The main building 2- The university hospital 3- The colleges 4- The university citiesBy clicking on one of these options, a Google map will open, showing the way to reach from your place to the chosen destination.7- Students1.Post Graduate It is an application for postgraduate students to register through MIS. 2. Under Graduate It is a special application for electronic registration of students.8- Faculty membersThrough it, you can browse two items:1. View the positions of the faculty and the supporting staff by selecting the college or department2. Search for a faculty member by name, college or department9- Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) Through it, you can browse the Egyptian Knowledge Bank website within the application.